It can rain spiders anywhere. usually they are ballooning spiderlings dispersing to find a home, and carried aloft by a large strand of web. Some communal spiders like long jawed orb weavers, can have their webs carried off in a wind with hundreds of spiders in a widespread web. this can have the appearance of 'raining spiders'. Not very often people get the opportunity to see such event, but it is very fascinating, but could be a nightmare for those that fear spiders. The weirdest part is, sometimes it rains species that aren't otherwise found in Jamaica. Haven't you heard about the great Goliath birdeater storm of '08?
The video reveals thousands of then moving up and down webs, appearing to fall from the sky.
Experts later identified the arachnids as Anelosimus eximius, which is extremely rare in the spider world as it is a social spider.
They are usually in trees during the day and in the late afternoon and early evening construct a giant sheets of webs, in order to trap insects.
Females often outnumber males 10 to 1 in colonies that can exceed 50,000 individuals.The species’ webs can stretch from the ground up to tree canopies or human constructions 65 feet high.If strong winds come along, the web may detach from its anchors, carrying the spiders and their ruined home to new sites where they appear to 'rain down.'