Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Military Soldier Open-fired at a Child!


These days, violence is a major problem the engulfs our surroundings. We are clinging to the hopes that those people that we are depending on to stop such things will do their duties. But, what if the thing that happened is the opposite of what we are expecting.

In some areas around the world, violence often occurs especially in those so-called hostile areas where there are great threats and acts of terrorism. Aside from the fear that the terrorists induce in the minds of the people, there are those that came from the side of the governments force. What do I mean? As you can see in the images, several military officers are pointing their guns into the children. It is a terrible thing to watch as this soldiers give terror to these children instead of giving them peace of mind. Even, their parents couldn't stop them because of intimidation. Why is it that we let this kind of violence happen to our children? Why does the government don't do anything to stop this messed-up people? I really wonder, what in the world are we doing? Can't we live without violence?

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